iMetrik Gps navigation Vehicle Tracking: Protecting Car Dealerships and Vehicle Proprietors
- Vehicles are not only products for car dealerships they are investments. Dealers typically keep revenue on purchased vehicles lengthy after they are offered, and lease vehicles continue being important financial investments because they are leased to various customers. Like every other type of financial commitment, it is important that dealerships safeguard vehicles against thievery and delinquent payments. Gps navigation vehicle tracking devices provide car dealerships by having an very efficient way of protecting their vehicle investments in a really low cost.
- iMetrik is really a new brand in Gps navigation auto tracking technology that is rapidly becoming the Gps navigation vehicle tracking brand liked by most car dealerships. iMetrik’s Gps navigation vehicle tracking devices offer numerous condition-of-the-art features, including real-time, 24/7 locational tracking.
- The most typical reasons vehicle dealers use iMetrik Gps navigation vehicle tracking devices (and Gps navigation auto tracking units generally) include:
- Protection Against Auto Thievery
- Installing Gps navigation tracking devices into offered vehicles is a method to ensure the new owner protection against auto thievery. Gps navigation tracking devices record pinpoint location instantly, allowing the car dealership to obtain the stolen vehicle and alert the government bodies to the location. Gps navigation vehicle tracking devices greatly increase the likelihood of recovering stolen vehicles, allowing better protection of both owner’s property and also the dealership’s investment.
- Protection Against Vehicle Payment Delinquency
- Reminding auto proprietors of the delinquent payments by mail or telephone calls could be time intensive, pricey and, most importantly, ineffective. Recovering vehicles that have passed their payment elegance periods could be much more pricey, specifically if the vehicle’s owner has moved and left no forwarding address. Gps navigation vehicle tracking devices solve the irritation of both payment reminders and vehicle recovery. iMetrik Gps navigation auto tracking recovery units not just track exact vehicle location instantly, they also allow car dealerships to inform vehicle proprietors of delinquent payments directly with the vehicle itself. Vehicle dealers can schedule notifications to be delivered to the dog owner with the vehicle console, alerting the automobile owner towards the emergency of the situation.
- If proprietors continue being delinquent on payments, car dealerships can disable the automobile through remote starter interruption. Once proprietors result in the necessary payments, the automobile may resume use.
- iMetrik Gps navigation Tracking Device Features
- Additionally to specialized recovery unit features for car dealerships and lease vehicles, iMetrik Gps navigation vehicle tracking units present an easy-to-use web-based interface. Car dealerships can organize vehicles into groups, look for vehicles by VIN or customer ID number and examine locational mapping instantly. iMetrik Gps navigation auto units are smaller sized than average Gps navigation vehicle tracking devices, permitting more discreet placement.
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